Friday, September 29, 2006

Nice to meet you, to meet you... worth it?

I've been doing a lot of networking lately. A lot. One day I was at a breakfast in Cheltenham, a lunch in Birmingham and an evening awards do in London. Pity the poor Yuppie facing a 10-minute taxi ride home who, at 11.30pm, said 'what do you mean... you drove? Call yourself an environmentalists!'.

And I've been doing all this with two hats. One of course, and the other my hopefully soon to be re-ignited copywriting career, to help pay the rent and keep bubbling until it's self-sustaining.

Fortunately the two are complementary. You usually only have a few minutes to pitch at these events, and technically by having two strands my time is halved. However I have found it works that I start with me the freelancer creative, and as examples of my work here's my night job...! At which point I can flash the ideas card, Folda Holda and our credit card re:use 'flyer/picture frame' (pictured) as examples of innovative creative thinking at work.

Two guesses what people ask to hear more about, which can be a mixed blessing.

Speaking of mixed, so are my feelings about the value of these things.

They can cost a lot, depending on 'membership' (and hence sign up and annual fees) anything from £10 - £40 a gig. There's also getting there. My range took in Telford, London and Swansea recently. Travel and opportunity costs. And, of course, time. Breakfasts are best, if a killer on the sleep patterns. Forget lunches; they kill a day. Evenings can be OK, but you miss the kids and the rush traffic to them can be a pain.

And when you get there? Well, for sure there'll be a solicitor, an accountant and a life coach. Maybe a lady selling potions. I'm pretty well covered for some and beyond help on others.

And having now covered several in the same geographical area, there are those who look at you and say 'we've met'. Usually the chap who really liked your work and was going to get in touch but never did.

So far, so give it a miss. Or... not? Because there's always 'that one'.

Like the other night a rather charming banker who was fascinated in and chatted for ages with me about it all. And who also knew DickS trawbridgee of 'It's not easy being green' fame (I have of course written to offer links... no word as yet;(. Or the PR lady whose client does have a new eco-product.

The main issue is geography. This area is glorious but other than as a holiday weekend destination does not house the movers and shakers I need for either or my ad capabilities. But then again, they do have dinner parties with those I meet.


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