Sunday, February 18, 2007

When others zig. Zag.

Odd how I see things differently.

Wacko Creationist Indoctrination Footage

It's funny, but I took it the total opposite way as a brilliantly subtle, mocking propaganda piece against the clunking efforts of such creationists to discredit evolution. From slick Woomera (he was an Aussie, right?) Willy at the start to our Nobel-aspiring Pierced Brosnan at the end, the whole lot of them seemed to me to pretty much do a pretty good job of showing where their brains are at from their own mouths. And it had been editted that way to do so (cut off on my view before any credits rolled to see who produced it). Didn't the lady interviewer say she was pre-evolution when being put straight by the highly articulate goth yoof in the shades? And in that regard perhaps more effective than shutting anything down, which seems to be what these guys were being held up for derision in advocating, placard after placard, song after song, confused kid after confused kid, the notion of evolution.

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