Sunday, September 02, 2007

Wind in the willows - not great for energy generation, though

It is hard not to be more than a little perturbed by this (and the feelings expressed in the attached, if hilarious, ad): Wind farm cash-in for renewable energy companies

When trust is in such short supply, with issues of climate change seemingly so critical, we really need to get to what positive enviROI solutions there are and throw our weight behind them.

This kind of thing doesn't help much. All I can point to is the caveat ' has been claimed', which merely makes me point to the media's role in all this.

'Experts said claims of wind farm potential were being overestimated...' Who, where, what... how? And this pointing at the BBC, who are not usually known for their green-critiques, if 'BBC is biased' current debates are to be cited.

I have to say, the figures do not look good. I just hope that I may one day get a proper analysis and something approaching the truth.

I must try and locate this Radio 4 Costing the Earth source.

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