Thursday, October 04, 2007

In the dark on green lighting

I am signed up to a doo-dad that means I get sent HMG press releases. And very useful they can be.

And because my 'patch' covers the UK, I have signed up to all, so often a few that can get duplicated according to regions that enjoy the same story.

So it was with interest in noted the following, which covered more than one area: Multi million PFI upgrade for Sheffield's [and others] streetlights

Sheffield's streets are set to benefit from £79.3million in Private Finance Initiative investment, Transport Minister Rosie Winterton announced today.

The funding will allow Sheffield City Council to secure a private sector partner to upgrade 59,000 of Sheffield's streetlights over the next 25 years.

Rosie Winterton said:"Experience shows that better streetlighting helps improve road safety, as well as reducing crime and the fear of crime. I am very pleased that Sheffield is using this PFI arrangement to deliver real benefits to motorists and pedestrians alike. "

Government support of PFI credits for local authorities has been endorsed by the interdepartmental Project Review Group (PRG). A full list of the schemes approved by PRG can be found on the website of the Department for Communities and Local Government.

Now this is all very woo-pee-doo. Why am I blogging it?

Well, there's another aspect to lighting that usually doesn't get a look-in, and that's the eco-aspects. Now it may well be that it is in there somewhere (time precludes), but I can't help but feel that if it was they'd be crowing about it.

Which means there is a slim chance that there is a lot of light... but also hot air... being given off here.

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