Thursday, January 25, 2007

Too far?

Just back from walking the kids to school. Gorgeous, if cold.

Which got me to pondering real-life ways to save cost and the planet around the home. As I look out of my study's North window I can see a row of housing opposite. It's interesting to watch the frost disappear in the sunlight. But also depressing to see how many have no frost at all, which means they either didn't know about, didn't care about or couldn't afford (the purchase price) of lagging.

Of all the banks who send my 'We've gone carbon neutral' PR-pap, why could one not simply say: 'Here's an interest free loan to buy lagging - we calculate, at worst, pay back is x months/years, at which point you repay us, plus £1 to go towards the next applicant'. I'd put that on our front page.

It's all a matter of degree, if you excuse the pun.

To watch TV this morning, I entered a very dark room, as we have shutters. I am pretty sure thick curtains would be better eco-wise, but a) they won't fit in the same void and b) I can't afford them (see above).

To switch the thing on (one option: don't), plus the SKY box, I needed some light. And there I stood, at the door, trying to figure out which would be better. Low energy bulb on for a few minutes? Or open a shutter and unleash the cold air?

Probably an green dilemma too far. I may pop it in IT-anic Vs., though. There may be an answer. I'm guessing the former.

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