Thursday, January 25, 2007

Until the next time...

...there's always us.

I admire what the Indy has done... tried to do. It devoted three straight days to a campaign to cut down on waste. That's a rather dour topic to invest so much headline space on for so long.

And now it is over.

They had, by all accounts (well, theirs. I actually didn't see or read mention of it anywhere else, even the Guardian or any Govt. PR, which is odd, as a Minister came out in support) a huge response.

And that is great. Whether it was just from those already persuaded and acting, who knows?

I hope it has set a precedent, got itself established and will continue. But today it is nowhere to be seen. And while I know certain media are committed, and a lot more than others, I also know commercial realities will take hold. And selling copies appears at the top. And you don't do that with endless pictures of shopping baskets and rubbish tips and local authority ministers in reflective jackets. Jade visits a recycling tip or ship breakers in India... you're golden. So now it is, if at all, on an inner page. And who knows, like fashion fur or the rather oxymoronic ethical travel, it may still warrant coverage if it sells a copy or nets a rating point.

Speaking of which, if I was to cock an eyebrow (and I did), I must say that those who take it upon themselves to throw bricks should ensure that they are at least WoBo's (go on, ask me).

I am always banging on about the deleterious effects of warring camps fighting verbal/written (and often, at least so far, physical protest) wars at the expense of unity in inspiring mass actions.

So, how did this fare? Not too bad, I guess. Some woeful examples were highlighted.

But having not scanned every inch of the pages I have bought the last few days, I don't think the slight double-standard of their own 'product' can have been missed.

Though no free DVD (and what is the plastic in that, if not excess packaging designed to encourage increased purchase?), there was indeed a fair bit of unrequested, unrequired and ultimately disposed off... waste. Ad flyerand a bird thingy. I will keep them as postcards to send... sometime (or donate to the Charity shop as I do all the DVDs), but how many will be so.. disposed.

And I couldn't again note the slight irony of someone trashing (sorry, couldn't resist) others, whilst on the same pages were ads advocating trips, well, just let's say 'not toocarbonifically beneficial, global-warming-wise.'.

Which makes me wonder when the next salvo comes in from the other side to further distract us or keep most ducking for cover 'til it all blows over. Which it won't.

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