Monday, February 05, 2007

Take it or leave it

As I still fight with the Times Online's rubbish new system, I have prised one key link out following my Sunday read in the conservatory (there is a certain pleasure in turning a page and not have the thing go slow, crash or whatever).

It was from their IT webwatch section: First steps in saving the planet

Now it does say 'First steps', so I'm hoping there may be more and, unlike the Indy, they may seem some value in mentioning us, as I mention them here. What used to be Doors, their IT section, is well aware that we exist, after all.

As with all lists, it is a collection of valuable information, and a certain amount of commentary you can take or leave if you agree or not.

But one has to wonder, if this odd collection are the first steps, what on earth will be the last?

I really must return soon to 'plug' us under a nom de plume, as it looks like the one promising thing this new system allows is per topic comment. Not that anyone there actually reads 'em. But we may yet score a mention.


At last I got one in:

'Thank you for some more than worthy and interesting websites to check out.

However, if Katherine Hammnett is at the forefront of the fight (First steps in saving the planet) I rather fear for what is lower on the list.'

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