Monday, February 05, 2007

When in doo-doo, does it matter that others are deeper?

Our site is held together by spit and sawdust by today's standards. And it cost a fortune 3 years ago to get it to such a fine state. So I know how it felt to be the record producer offering us a deal on his (5 years' before) state of the art £1/2M suite when I looked around and said 'we can do all this on our £3k Mac and some plug-ins'.

Speaking of Macs and websites, do I tear my hair out or smile smugly that the Times has relaunched its site and I can't even surf it much less access or blog post any more.

This is a problem as it is one of the majors I use to check out stuff.

Maybe they want me to buy the paper again?

Mad - Still theirs did only cost £10 million!!!
Times -

"New and improved, your lime-green on-screen Times"

New. Yes. Lime... yes.
Improved.... getting there.

I was one who rather unfairly (it is free entertainment after all) rushed to critique, having spent a very bad day at launch trying to do anything at all, let alone at snail's pace.

With fingers crossed it is now kicking in.

I'm getting used to finding stuff in different places, and liking finding new bits. This feedback opportunity is one.

Wish I'd had £10M to develop my site.

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