Monday, February 05, 2007

Troubel is nobody's looking like fixin' it. Quick or otherwise.

One from Dave of Solarventi: Warning on quick fix for climate change

While I'm the first to endorse not doing something that makes things worse - my enviROI principle - what I do concern myself more with is guff like this:

'The commission sets seven stiff tests for policymakers drawing up proposals, including ensuring climate policy is consistent with a healthy economy and does not involve a piecemeal approach. "Knee-jerk regulatory responses to the climate change challenge and announcements of measures in a piecemeal fashion should be avoided. ''New initiatives should be evidence-based, add value to the existing climate programme and make clear which market imperfections they are seeking to resolve."

What I don't see is a clear statement that the most important aspect is these things should save the planet first, and quickly, before we start worrying about anything else, such as healthy... short-term national advantage and associated political, NGO & carbcon-trading careers.

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