Friday, November 02, 2007

Rubbish. Is as does

Sorting our rubbish

'I have long believed that paying for the rubbish we throw away is the right approach.'

And I agree. As one who throws very little out by making stuff out of what doesn't need to go in the bin/landfill, I'd really like to get rewarded by a rate reduction for doing so. Much as I'd like a water meter to see a reduction in my water rates for not flushing the loo just now.

Thing is, just as those two dots have not been connected by the populace, they have by the guys in charge. And they are old enough to recall the fun that was Poll Tax. I didn't have a problem with that 'pay by use' notion either. Quite a few did, though. And from interesting 'sides' of the current 'divide', I'll be bound.

T'other night I heard an honest pol speak. The Cabinet Member for the Environment for my county. We will not be getting bi-weekly collections. Why? Not any great eco-reason, but because his fellow councillors and he want to keep their jobs. I'm guessing chip and bin are not in the offing either, then.

Oh well. The rest of your piece is, of course, worthy of note.

'But we will need clear central policy, good communications and more enforcement to ensure they have the desired effect.' Ok. We're screwed.

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