Friday, November 02, 2007

Standby, me?

Pull the plug on standby

I don't do pledges. But if it did, I suspect it would just one of many pointless ones I could make today.

But I also don't do standbys. Costs money. Silly to do do. Hurts planet.

All off, bar the Skybox, which still has a red light glowing. I guess I could unplug it at the mains, but that may hurt it and in any case it's a bit tricky to get at twice each night by being lost in the back there. Maybe these winners of all sorts of green awards can help me with that?

Or maybe the 'government confirmed plans' will... no really. All the others have worked out so well, right?

Those eco-gizmos do look promising, mind.

I wonder if there's one that will shut off the dishwasher (yeah, yeah... I've decided we gobble tons more juice and water manually so I've made that call) if the missus puts it on at night. I do it in the AM so I can kill it at cycle end and avoid the drying bit plus the guilt-making red dot that greets me in the morning.

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