I guess the 'big' story yesterday was the generosity and statesmanship of our PM.
Time will tell where this money comes from, where it goes to, whether it is used wisely and well, and what % gets redirected in the name of green if not for it.
I start with a post I made to Newsnight:
Headline: Why micro wind turbines don't work (with relative directions of vanes on weather cock and turbine in telling complement)
Text: In most urban locations in Britain wind turbines simply do not work
And folk wonder why the public are cranking eyebrows. There is what we know, there is what we don't, and there is what we are told. Seldom is this done without a narrative being enhanced or an event being interpreted.
Which becomes pertinent, and key, when it comes to what we are told*, especially about vast amounts of money to be dedicated to 'solving' things, which seem a bit shy on detail as to what, specifically, and how measured to assess enviROI, etc. Numbers do matter, even as science gets settled (if often in creative ways), and passed on by those we pay, and trust to be our guides.
It makes a nonsense of the claim made by the Energy Saving Trust,
But I am glad I persevered, as there was much to ponder of value, and I appreciated the maths lesson. Makes me wonder why such calculations are often beyond those who claim (all dutifully passed on by those copy-typing press releases as 'reporting') that 'such and such 'could' power 1/2 of 'so and so' for 'free' (exc: construction, operation, maintenance, repair and disposal).
And there is also the power of editorial, often, possibly, via omission:
3. At 9:01pm on 11 Dec 2009, simon noble wrote:
You forgot to mention that those big wind turbines are also erratic, so you need a big back-up source of power to manage the lows.
One just has to hope that, when given the massive importance of the basic intent to reduce GHGs, and the vast monies involved in securing that laudable aim, those with the power to take and dispense the funds in securing this, plus those tasked to hold them to account, know what the heck they are doing.
And are guided by honest, unselfish influences and not the lures of personal advancement, ratings, career influence, lobby-influence, bonuses, targets and box ticks.
*Clarified, often, only after the the hyperlink and/or in the small print.
As you'll gather, I appreciate a done deal when I see one; I just express the hope that it will be upfront and accurate.
And.. reported with competence and objectivity. I have this slight concern the media are every bit as much a part of the problem of public understanding and engagement.
guardianeco - Gordon Brown bangs heads and crunches climate figures in Brussels http://bit.ly/4PkeQ1 - as he is so good with numbers here
climatebiz - What's Keeping Climate Investment Out of Africa? http://bit.ly/6EjAcV - maybe that money in Africa often doesn't end up where intended?
UN - UN online tool allows people to track nations’ pledges on climate change http://bit.ly/6xLQpu - as to delivery...?
JaymiHeimbuch - RT @planetenvy Rainforest Nations: We'll Drop Deforestation Targets if Rich Don't Put Money on the Table: http://digg.com/d31Ca8A - Blazing Saddles anyone?
kate_sheppard - Stern: "We have to combine science and pragmatism." That.. would be nice
timesonline - Gordon Brown and Nicolas Sarkozy: banks should pay for climate change http://bit.ly/5YiQS2 - No reward for failure! Thank heavens I have very little in the bank. Mainly due to Mr. Brown p*ssing money away on things that don't work.
DowningStreet - PM: Excellent result in Brussels - got EU up to £6.6 billion for developing countries over next 3 years. Big boost for Copenhagen - like a drunk at an auction trying to impress the girls in the onlooking crowd
wwwfoecouk - Press release: EU barely budges an inch on climate: Commenting on the conclusion of the EU Council today, Friends o... http://bit.ly/8Nc1GF - sometimes twitter can throw up reasons to look around for more...
ThinkPolitics - EU agrees climate pledge that may boost Copenhagen http://tiny.cc/b0EE2 - and end up scratching your head
iaindale - Blogpost: Cost of Insuring British Govt Debt Rises by 1000% in 2 Years http://tinyurl.com/y9fg26h
guardianeco - EU set to double climate aid for developing countries to €2bn http://bit.ly/8L8ULR - Game, set and fudge?
TheIndyNews - UK giving £1.5bn to climate fund http://bit.ly/67eznH - we are a giving sort, apparently
the_ecologist - A toothless cap-and-trade scheme is a planetary wrecking ball http://bit.ly/6bCEW4 - let's see what we get
Meanwhile, in other tweets:
GuyKawasaki - The Six Twitter Types http://om.ly/cxBQ - Modesty prevents me assessing my self
fivenineteen - RT @twitwalk "To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk." ~ Thomas Edison #quote #creativity #green #recycle (via @quotme) - like, I need to explain:)
ChristianaCooke - A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be. Albert Einstein - like, some in science might need that explained to them, before they get too 'settled'
Ecosaveology - Google opens satellite images, tools, to study deforestation: http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2009/12/seeing-forest-through-cloud.html
mickwill - I can't believe it! Just got up at 5.30 to get taxi to BBC Centre & they just phoned to say I'm not on at 7.20 now. GRR! - The joys of dealing with our media
jimpenny - http://twitpic.com/t5fnq - I save and reuse my false eyelashes, I care about the planet! (via @theboygeorge) - every little bit helps? I am presuming irony at play.
guardianeco - A £480 train ticket to Copenhagen makes it hard to care about the climate | George Monbiot http://bit.ly/71rfgg - No, it makes it harder to trust and/or believe in hypocrites who say one thing and do another. It's different. And rubbish pricing on more eco transport options is not mutually exclusive with caring that the bozos making decisions seem to be 'selective at best'.
mickwill - If you want to know if your boiler is g-rated for the Boiler Scrappage scheme, you can check here http://tinyurl.com/y8d7mvg - talk is cheap, knowledge is power, action is golden
wwwfoecouk - Safe #climate news: Helen Baxendale heading for Copenhagen: Actor, mother, campaigner calls for justice http://bit.ly/4rOMGZ - Bless, in so many ways
thegoodhuman - Wondering this morning if all of us writing about environmental issues does anything in big picture. What should we be doing instead? - My shed beckons
LilGreenFingers - New blog post where I get a bit cross with Kirstie Allsopp and her gilded pears... http://tinyurl.com/yctok2a - There's making and mending, and there's buying in posh shops, making and suckering daft luvvies, or not
timesonline - RT @Times_Live Is Man largely responsible for global warming? Join our live debate at 1.30pm today http://bit.ly/5MAzNo - I did. It was a zoo
richardbranson - Have a read of my views on @Virgin_Galactic ethics on @virgindotcom http://bit.ly/7hDqT7 -props for stating his case. Not asked or tasked once by the MSM
futerra - Ed Milliband on C4 using #sizzle message "we need a positive vision, let's sell dreams not nightmares". futerra.co.uk/blog/611 - Now, where did he end up at that notion? Guess we won't be seeing the ASA-referred, inaccurate, scaremongering ActOnCo2 bedtime story ad again, then?
journalismnews - PDA: ‘Algorithms will replace journalists’ http://is.gd/5jqNo - speaking of our mighty 4th estate... Well, it can often seem that much reporting these days is mainly cut and pasting of press releases with little checking or critical oversight.
MoreEco - Eco News - Budget to include electric car tax break: Company drivers who choose electric cars are to.. http://bit.ly/92TLqV - now, about the green 'leccy generation and distribution
Greengamma - 'Dirty' battery cars 'make more CO2 than they save' http://bit.ly/5R7T4P - see the issues, gov...media?
myzerowaste - My Zero Waste is up against Guardian ethical living and You Gen 4 best green site. Please vote 4 us! http://bit.ly/5uYTKH - sadly, Junkk.com nor Junkk Male RE:view were not deemed worthy*. But MZW was, and as she is also a contributor of ideas (and winner) to the site, she gets my vote:)
adamvaughan_uk - Voting is open for the @greenwebawards - go vote before 31 Dec http://bit.ly/5lccMM [disclaimer: I was one of judges who shaped shortlist) - *all comes clearer. he's not a fan of greens who crank eyebrows:)
GlobeGuard - RT @packagingdiva: A perspective about why #Packaging reduction goes out of the window at Christmas @ http://is.gd/5hSey - I find this site great for scoops on ppackaging to help RE:tie
..and finally, as we are a reuse advocate and it's Xmas...
CAGW - Make a Gift Bow Out of Scrap Paper: http://is.gd/5iZqO
And that's just the retweets in a day. I really can't be bothered to go through all the others I favourited, as they are usually the contentious ones, and really, life is too short.
Junkk.com promotes fun, reward-based e-practices, sharing oodles of info in objective, balanced ways. But we do have personal opinions, too! Hence this slightly ‘off of site, top of mind' blog by Junkk Male Peter. Hopefully still more ‘concerned mates’ than 'do this... or else' nannies, with critiques seen as constructive or of a more eyebrow-twitching ‘Oh, really?!' variety. Little that’s green can be viewed only in black and white.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
TWEET 'N LOWDOWN - S****page!
Sorry for that headline.
It's not what you think, but merely a media trick to get more folk reading... did it work?
I wasn't expletive deleting, but in writing that was reminded that it would be on the website, which has a rather over-enthusiastic 'swear filter' that takes out anything it think innocent eyes should be spared.
Anyway from yesterday's twitter surf RT/save collection, the dominant story that caught my eve had to be the boiler scrappage initiative introduced in Alistair Darling's pre-budget wassname.
About the only good thing there, as it's hard to find much else when 'we' owe' billions, if not more already.
But this one makes sense. Subsidy money is being given away left, right and centre, and this seems to be a rare 'win-win', with it going to reductions and efficiency increase, and hence lowered GHGs and reduced expenditure for those who can ill-afford it.
I just hope this government actually has the money to do it.
guardianeco - Boiler scrappage plan aims to help 125,000 householders http://bit.ly/86hFfZ - AIMS?
IndyPolitics - Boiler scrappage scheme unveiled http://bit.ly/7afmL7
hmtreasury - An extra 75,000 households will benefit from an extension of the Warm Front scheme #pbr09
MRW - Chancellor announces boiler scrappage scheme in Pre-Budget Report
I also was keen to crank an eyebrow here:
solarguy2034 - In Copenhagen, Stores Heat the Streets: To encourage Christmas shoppers, many stores in Copenhagen leave their .. http://bit.ly/6J8EeK as Junkk.com has noted, and suggested a response, more than once before.
Then there was this, for no better reason that on my last visit t'other day my Mum did not recognise me for 30 minutes:
jerryjamesstone - Scientists Working on Cure for Alzheimers Invent Self-Cleaning Solar Panels (Now Just Cure Alzheimer's Please) http://digg.com/d31CKxF?t - Amen
It's not what you think, but merely a media trick to get more folk reading... did it work?
I wasn't expletive deleting, but in writing that was reminded that it would be on the website, which has a rather over-enthusiastic 'swear filter' that takes out anything it think innocent eyes should be spared.
Anyway from yesterday's twitter surf RT/save collection, the dominant story that caught my eve had to be the boiler scrappage initiative introduced in Alistair Darling's pre-budget wassname.
About the only good thing there, as it's hard to find much else when 'we' owe' billions, if not more already.
But this one makes sense. Subsidy money is being given away left, right and centre, and this seems to be a rare 'win-win', with it going to reductions and efficiency increase, and hence lowered GHGs and reduced expenditure for those who can ill-afford it.
I just hope this government actually has the money to do it.
guardianeco - Boiler scrappage plan aims to help 125,000 householders http://bit.ly/86hFfZ - AIMS?
IndyPolitics - Boiler scrappage scheme unveiled http://bit.ly/7afmL7
hmtreasury - An extra 75,000 households will benefit from an extension of the Warm Front scheme #pbr09
MRW - Chancellor announces boiler scrappage scheme in Pre-Budget Report
I also was keen to crank an eyebrow here:
solarguy2034 - In Copenhagen, Stores Heat the Streets: To encourage Christmas shoppers, many stores in Copenhagen leave their .. http://bit.ly/6J8EeK as Junkk.com has noted, and suggested a response, more than once before.
Then there was this, for no better reason that on my last visit t'other day my Mum did not recognise me for 30 minutes:
jerryjamesstone - Scientists Working on Cure for Alzheimers Invent Self-Cleaning Solar Panels (Now Just Cure Alzheimer's Please) http://digg.com/d31CKxF?t - Amen
TWEET 'N LOWDOWN - Teetering Pedestals
Actually, more like a teetering tower... that of Babel.
This is my first 'round up' of yesterday's retweets.
Not sure it will work. There were so many.
Which at least serves for the point of this post.
I was once appalled to be in the midst of a council meeting where there were about twenty folk shouting the odds. Whatever the intention it was a total waste of time, effort and resources as nothing got agreed, or done.
I, and a few others there voluntarily did note that most 'officials' there were all on salary, plus expenses, whatever happened.
I can only imagine what it must be like with tens of thousands, all shouting, such that not only no one can hear each other, they but won't even bother listening.
All paid, or paid for. As are all those there to 'report' on it. Like they really care.
The planet, meanwhile, goes on, if perhaps with a tear in its eye.
If there were a few 'tweets' that stood out to me, it was these:
Right we're on air. Do climate deniers deserve to be part of this discussion? - Nice of the BBC to ask, but who are 'they', and who are 'they' asking? Ed Miliband? Voltaire (possibly) rotates in his grave.
RT @thomsmith: How can we take climate change seriously when Richard "@virgindotcom" Branson is talking about space tourism? - More crucially, when some irony deficient MSM outfits run 'sombre' climate stories and then happily send their teams off to the mojave to film rockets that don't get airborne without some stuff out the exhaust.
Could you be the winner of the Fun Theory Award!? http://bit.ly/6CdlaB (from @ClimateSquad) - Hope so, as I have several entries in:)
And one more* that has now dropped off the archive, which rather makes me feel that RT'ing is a pretty short term, useless facility if you want to keep an archive record. So I think I'll give up on this before I end up a messy creek sans paddle.
Twitter is good for getting stuff in and as it happens. No more.
RT'ing might help keep others on one's journey in the loop and valuing what you come across, and takes seconds, so may be worth maintaining. I'll have to see how far back favourites goes (Encouraging. I went back over a few weeks over 50 pages with no 'limit', so that might mean they are all 'held' - it is also worth 'saving', too)
But mainly I think I'll just favourite the stories linked to on my browser so I don't lose them, and use the browsing history to blog from in future.
Sorry, twitter, it's just not going to work out as I'd hoped. At least like this.
*http://twitpic.com/snodu - In addition to the message being rather overshadowed by less than green messageboard materials, I do rather wonder what the awareness that is being raised here actually is.
This is my first 'round up' of yesterday's retweets.
Not sure it will work. There were so many.
Which at least serves for the point of this post.
I was once appalled to be in the midst of a council meeting where there were about twenty folk shouting the odds. Whatever the intention it was a total waste of time, effort and resources as nothing got agreed, or done.
I, and a few others there voluntarily did note that most 'officials' there were all on salary, plus expenses, whatever happened.
I can only imagine what it must be like with tens of thousands, all shouting, such that not only no one can hear each other, they but won't even bother listening.
All paid, or paid for. As are all those there to 'report' on it. Like they really care.
The planet, meanwhile, goes on, if perhaps with a tear in its eye.
If there were a few 'tweets' that stood out to me, it was these:
Right we're on air. Do climate deniers deserve to be part of this discussion? - Nice of the BBC to ask, but who are 'they', and who are 'they' asking? Ed Miliband? Voltaire (possibly) rotates in his grave.
RT @thomsmith: How can we take climate change seriously when Richard "@virgindotcom" Branson is talking about space tourism? - More crucially, when some irony deficient MSM outfits run 'sombre' climate stories and then happily send their teams off to the mojave to film rockets that don't get airborne without some stuff out the exhaust.
Could you be the winner of the Fun Theory Award!? http://bit.ly/6CdlaB (from @ClimateSquad) - Hope so, as I have several entries in:)
And one more* that has now dropped off the archive, which rather makes me feel that RT'ing is a pretty short term, useless facility if you want to keep an archive record. So I think I'll give up on this before I end up a messy creek sans paddle.
Twitter is good for getting stuff in and as it happens. No more.
RT'ing might help keep others on one's journey in the loop and valuing what you come across, and takes seconds, so may be worth maintaining. I'll have to see how far back favourites goes (Encouraging. I went back over a few weeks over 50 pages with no 'limit', so that might mean they are all 'held' - it is also worth 'saving', too)
But mainly I think I'll just favourite the stories linked to on my browser so I don't lose them, and use the browsing history to blog from in future.
Sorry, twitter, it's just not going to work out as I'd hoped. At least like this.
*http://twitpic.com/snodu - In addition to the message being rather overshadowed by less than green messageboard materials, I do rather wonder what the awareness that is being raised here actually is.
Know that 'incentive' mantra I keep chanting?

Bottle Bank Arcade
Kudos to thefuntheory.com
Here are my entries as inspired by this:
(No idea why this last one seems to be a different URL)
Took a loooong while as I had upload issues and the system couldn't cope with my 'suite'* idea, but the organisers were very helpful.
Doubt they'll be in with much of a chance now as the competition closes soon, but at least they are now in.
*One to freak out the health and safety guys, but here goes.
It has always frustrated me that many public recycling facilities involve a dirty great (heavy) steel container that requires a big-engined, high-powered truck to haul away often only a few kilos of 95% fresh air surrounding a veneer of card, glass or metal.
They are also often smelly, and boring. And no one crushes waste bottles, cans, etc because they are already confused by a plethora of do’s and don’ts regarding what’s cool and/or not.
But one thing is clear: we need to get stuff as small in volume as possible to make the most of the logistics’ systems carbon footprint. This also tends to help with recycling anyway.
Then we need to make it so people a) want to do it so they try, and try again, and b) enjoy it so much they do it again and tell their mates. So… pretty much fun, then.
Any other advantages that roll along as a consequence we’ll take as plusses. On balance, win-win-win-win-etc
RE:Gymberation RE:Spa Planet Fitness
We need venues. And where better than supermarket foyers or shopping centres, which would confer green kudos to savvy CSR marketers who can sweeten the extra traffic likely to be attracted by offering reward opportunities to those bring in the correct materials? Possibly consumers get to hand in waste in exchange for Junkk bonds to use on… eco purchases.
RE:Gymberation posits a ‘zone’, where by human energy is harnessed in the cause of greater fitness and… reducing recyclate volumes for transport.
All the shredding, smashing and/or flattening is done by one human power on a series of exercise devices that serve to not only dispose of waster materials, but in an entertaining manner.
Some could indeed be prone to misuse or vandalism – so possible solutions are sensors to divert metals or, more practically, human oversight, hence being located near staff, which also supports reward redemption. A few complementary freestanding systems are suggested, specific to particular recyclates.
What was weird is one submission included that had to be dropped (pix above), which had to be dropped:
The Whack a Can Pan – For Cans Or Cartons
Based, almost identically, on either a fairground mallet and bell concept, or the ‘Whack-a-Mole’.
The can or carton is introduced to be crushed by a wide head mallet, with the flattened result dropped into the receptacle below.
Here's why
How spooky is that? Annoyingly, it's a top 10 idea. He who hesitates - or has a less than compatible browser... is lost.
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Nice when you get it
Just had a nice call.
Remember my Voucher Tree idea?
Well, one of the schools we helped has just advised me that they had enough coupons in their coconut to be redeemed for a new wheelbarrow for their organic garden.
Every little bit helps, eh?
But I still can't stop wondering how much better it would have been, for all in the community, if Morrison's had allowed us to put the tree in their foyer to catch folk as they were leaving.
It would have reminded those without kids to collect them anyway, the schools would have got tons more... and the store itself would have gained awesome PR.
Remember my Voucher Tree idea?
Well, one of the schools we helped has just advised me that they had enough coupons in their coconut to be redeemed for a new wheelbarrow for their organic garden.
Every little bit helps, eh?
But I still can't stop wondering how much better it would have been, for all in the community, if Morrison's had allowed us to put the tree in their foyer to catch folk as they were leaving.
It would have reminded those without kids to collect them anyway, the schools would have got tons more... and the store itself would have gained awesome PR.
The problem with online experiments is that the positives can be matched equally by the negatives.
So for all the advantages of speed, ease of creation, etc, there is that slight worry that the minute you hit 'send', it's out there, for all to see, with its flies open.
And one thing I have discovered is that few in the blog, and especially twitosphere seem of a mind to sidle up and say 'Psst... actually, this doesn't really work [for this reason....]. Maybe time to think of a wee review?'
Anyway, nothing ventured, etc.
Following some truly appreciated support, I am beta-testing (ok, trying out) a new twitter regime.
Basically, I am going to use the new twitter retweet button to scoot throught what comes my way, morning, noon and night. And as the system permits no comments, I can't and hence won't. So if the content delights... or enrages... with luck the twitocrats will realise that to get context they need to follow the trail, to bouquet or brickbat the authors accordingly for their <140 masterpieces.
Meanwhile, the plan is for me to go back over the day (if I have time... most likely next morning) and do a quick review of those that tickled my fancy.
Working title: TWEET 'N LOWDOWN (see who salutes:)
Well, that's the theory.
So for all the advantages of speed, ease of creation, etc, there is that slight worry that the minute you hit 'send', it's out there, for all to see, with its flies open.
And one thing I have discovered is that few in the blog, and especially twitosphere seem of a mind to sidle up and say 'Psst... actually, this doesn't really work [for this reason....]. Maybe time to think of a wee review?'
Anyway, nothing ventured, etc.
Following some truly appreciated support, I am beta-testing (ok, trying out) a new twitter regime.
Basically, I am going to use the new twitter retweet button to scoot throught what comes my way, morning, noon and night. And as the system permits no comments, I can't and hence won't. So if the content delights... or enrages... with luck the twitocrats will realise that to get context they need to follow the trail, to bouquet or brickbat the authors accordingly for their <140 masterpieces.
Meanwhile, the plan is for me to go back over the day (if I have time... most likely next morning) and do a quick review of those that tickled my fancy.
Working title: TWEET 'N LOWDOWN (see who salutes:)
Well, that's the theory.
The issue.. as some would have it?
Just heard on the BBC as the talking head reads out what he's told to ask Prof. Sir David King: 'the issue is that a large number of people are saying there is nothing to be concerned about'.
Is this true?
Or is this how the government and its media shills would wish to see 'the debate' framed?
Anyone who thinks there are no issues of concern regarding PMWNCC is a) not being too rational and b) in a very small minority. Hence why play that up?
My concern, and I suspect that of others, is that 'climate' gets used as an excuse by already mediocre minds to try and compensate for fiscal failures elsewhere that will have zero or, worse, negative enviROI impacts on my kids' futures.
I smell straw men, and the media using them to frame...more like steer the issues stinks.
At least the talking head raised the contradictory point of Ed. Miliband shrieking about reductions whilst the government he is part of is advocating a 3-fold increase in air travel.
My first foray into how the print media complement the narrative:
Good to have standards. Not to have them as doubles
But this is an MSM that seems to see the US EPA and its timely actions as somehow unconnected with media management in a new era of command and control by big government.
And is one that also doesn't 'do' irony.
At least, watching today's broadcast news as I now catch up on the print.
Dancing to the tune of PROs of your mates and issuing news by press release does the BBC (or any medium) little credit. Especially when it is contradictory.
You either think greenhouse gasses are a here and now issue, or you don't.
Stick Ed Miliband and Richard Branson up together on this and I think most environmental correspondents' brains would freeze as anything either comes out with gets shared with zero critical thinking attached by our star-truck, government-slavish media.
Is this true?
Or is this how the government and its media shills would wish to see 'the debate' framed?
Anyone who thinks there are no issues of concern regarding PMWNCC is a) not being too rational and b) in a very small minority. Hence why play that up?
My concern, and I suspect that of others, is that 'climate' gets used as an excuse by already mediocre minds to try and compensate for fiscal failures elsewhere that will have zero or, worse, negative enviROI impacts on my kids' futures.
I smell straw men, and the media using them to frame...more like steer the issues stinks.
At least the talking head raised the contradictory point of Ed. Miliband shrieking about reductions whilst the government he is part of is advocating a 3-fold increase in air travel.
My first foray into how the print media complement the narrative:
Good to have standards. Not to have them as doubles
But this is an MSM that seems to see the US EPA and its timely actions as somehow unconnected with media management in a new era of command and control by big government.
And is one that also doesn't 'do' irony.
At least, watching today's broadcast news as I now catch up on the print.
Dancing to the tune of PROs of your mates and issuing news by press release does the BBC (or any medium) little credit. Especially when it is contradictory.
You either think greenhouse gasses are a here and now issue, or you don't.
Stick Ed Miliband and Richard Branson up together on this and I think most environmental correspondents' brains would freeze as anything either comes out with gets shared with zero critical thinking attached by our star-truck, government-slavish media.
IRONY ALERT - We have standards; at least double most
Just had to pop this one in to Aunty and SKY:
Watching today's news.
Some entirely welcome, and valid coverage on Copenhagen, and the issues at stake.
Then a few more pieces, followed by a commercial for favoured son Richard Branson and his next moneymaking scheme taking the uber-rich into space for a quick Kodak moment.
But it's all ok it seems, as the design of the craft is, according to the [at least in the case of the BBC, astoundingly] reporter, 'fuel efficient'.
Dancing to the tune of PROs of your mates and issuing news by press release does the BBC little credit. Especially when it is contradictory.
You either think greenhouse gasses are a here and now issue, or you don't.
Stick Ed Miliband and Richard Branson up together on this and I think your brains would freeze as anything either comes out with gets shared with zero critical thinking attached.
To be fair (if conceding two wrongs makes an MSM consenus) SKY had the same double standards as well. Who gives a sod about the planet if you get invited [to the Mojave Desert] by a ratings-cert Celeb billionaire to play with his rocket?
News generation by PRO and reporting by press release. Unique.
Having taken the broadcast media to task (and found that what was troubling viewers more... at least as claimed by those who select the emails... was a ban on 'pink'. Go figger), it was interesting to move on to their print cousins:
'The environmental impact would be minimal, Branson said.
"It's almost zero carbon output. We can put people into space for less carbon output than say, a flight from New York to L.A. and back, and that's for your particular seat on the flight from New York to L.A. and back," he said. "And I think in time, we will almost definitely be able to get to zero carbon output."
That is almost definitely a meaningless crock of... unsettling science.
Apt as the various debates around reducing GHG's swirl like contrails from a plane taking off from one of Gordon Brown and his government colleagues' (esp. Miliband. E) expanded airports.
But saying that would seem to make me a denier, or maybe saboteur? Too the too-cosy double-standard world some in the politico-media bubble live in, perhaps. Welcome to a Britain where the media is managed, and barely managing professionally it seems, other than via 'news' from press release by government or corporate PRO.
Meanwhile back at Copenhagen...
Telegraph - NEW - Virgin spaceman's flight of fancy
Watching today's news.
Some entirely welcome, and valid coverage on Copenhagen, and the issues at stake.
Then a few more pieces, followed by a commercial for favoured son Richard Branson and his next moneymaking scheme taking the uber-rich into space for a quick Kodak moment.
But it's all ok it seems, as the design of the craft is, according to the [at least in the case of the BBC, astoundingly] reporter, 'fuel efficient'.
Dancing to the tune of PROs of your mates and issuing news by press release does the BBC little credit. Especially when it is contradictory.
You either think greenhouse gasses are a here and now issue, or you don't.
Stick Ed Miliband and Richard Branson up together on this and I think your brains would freeze as anything either comes out with gets shared with zero critical thinking attached.
To be fair (if conceding two wrongs makes an MSM consenus) SKY had the same double standards as well. Who gives a sod about the planet if you get invited [to the Mojave Desert] by a ratings-cert Celeb billionaire to play with his rocket?
News generation by PRO and reporting by press release. Unique.
Having taken the broadcast media to task (and found that what was troubling viewers more... at least as claimed by those who select the emails... was a ban on 'pink'. Go figger), it was interesting to move on to their print cousins:
'The environmental impact would be minimal, Branson said.
"It's almost zero carbon output. We can put people into space for less carbon output than say, a flight from New York to L.A. and back, and that's for your particular seat on the flight from New York to L.A. and back," he said. "And I think in time, we will almost definitely be able to get to zero carbon output."
That is almost definitely a meaningless crock of... unsettling science.
Apt as the various debates around reducing GHG's swirl like contrails from a plane taking off from one of Gordon Brown and his government colleagues' (esp. Miliband. E) expanded airports.
But saying that would seem to make me a denier, or maybe saboteur? Too the too-cosy double-standard world some in the politico-media bubble live in, perhaps. Welcome to a Britain where the media is managed, and barely managing professionally it seems, other than via 'news' from press release by government or corporate PRO.
Meanwhile back at Copenhagen...
Telegraph - NEW - Virgin spaceman's flight of fancy
Monday, December 07, 2009
A time for RE:appraisal
Yesterday was my birthday.
And amongst a few nice things (my wife has been active on FaceBook and reconnected with some old friends who it was lovely to hear from) there was one, truly horrible one.
Which, though it affected me badly, and still is a matter of upset, might have been the best thing that could have happened in a long time.
It was a truly awful, personal 'tweet' on my twitter page.
This person had got a very wrong end of a stick, and instead of thinking for a few seconds had sought offence which, as I am oft prone to quote, if you are looking for in any way, it will happily present itself easily whenever required.
I was shocked by the passion and the bile. All in 140 characters or less. And all because we are in a time poor world where people react rather than think, and cheap talk has more value than considered actions.
Well, and here's the 'good' bit, after 24hrs pondering, I have decided enough's enough.
I enjoy debate. I think I am good at it. And I do think what I say can have value.
But talk can also be very cheap. And pointless. I have valued Twitter for the information it has brought my way, but 9 times out of 10 it has been in a form that is hard to trust and hence needs a lot of checking.
But not just Twitter. At the other end of the communication spectrum, even the so-called 'MSM' (main stream media) is now so corrupted by agenda, dubious affiliations and the seduction of career-driving ratings in an already facile 24/7 'news' environment, nearly all 'reporting' now is commentary, and all commentary is only as good as the person passing it. And that, these days, is near zero.
I have seen Copenhagen as an iconic event, much as many other sincere, idealistic folk. But now it has arrived I think it will just be another jamboree of tribalism and hypocrites jockeying for personal gain, be it monetary, career or ego-boosting legacy coverage.
Maybe there will be 'a deal', and maybe it will involve some positive aspects. If so, great.
But I cannot see the juggernaut that is the various competing global lobbying groups being influenced one jot by what I might think, say or even if the latter resonates with the few I share my views with.
So all the Twittering, blog-surfing and contributing has to stop. It was, is, and I suspect will be mere exercises in futility.
To make a difference I have to get back to doing, even if it is just in the smallest of ways. Because a deed that is appreciated and inspires can lead on to more, bigger and maybe even better ones.
So to that very sad, angry person: thank you. But I am not above hoping that by your words I will be returned to actions that will one day come back to haunt you and what you stand for.
'A great person makes others feel small. A truly great person makes others feel great'
Words to live by. And act upon.
And amongst a few nice things (my wife has been active on FaceBook and reconnected with some old friends who it was lovely to hear from) there was one, truly horrible one.
Which, though it affected me badly, and still is a matter of upset, might have been the best thing that could have happened in a long time.
It was a truly awful, personal 'tweet' on my twitter page.
This person had got a very wrong end of a stick, and instead of thinking for a few seconds had sought offence which, as I am oft prone to quote, if you are looking for in any way, it will happily present itself easily whenever required.
I was shocked by the passion and the bile. All in 140 characters or less. And all because we are in a time poor world where people react rather than think, and cheap talk has more value than considered actions.
Well, and here's the 'good' bit, after 24hrs pondering, I have decided enough's enough.
I enjoy debate. I think I am good at it. And I do think what I say can have value.
But talk can also be very cheap. And pointless. I have valued Twitter for the information it has brought my way, but 9 times out of 10 it has been in a form that is hard to trust and hence needs a lot of checking.
But not just Twitter. At the other end of the communication spectrum, even the so-called 'MSM' (main stream media) is now so corrupted by agenda, dubious affiliations and the seduction of career-driving ratings in an already facile 24/7 'news' environment, nearly all 'reporting' now is commentary, and all commentary is only as good as the person passing it. And that, these days, is near zero.
I have seen Copenhagen as an iconic event, much as many other sincere, idealistic folk. But now it has arrived I think it will just be another jamboree of tribalism and hypocrites jockeying for personal gain, be it monetary, career or ego-boosting legacy coverage.
Maybe there will be 'a deal', and maybe it will involve some positive aspects. If so, great.
But I cannot see the juggernaut that is the various competing global lobbying groups being influenced one jot by what I might think, say or even if the latter resonates with the few I share my views with.
So all the Twittering, blog-surfing and contributing has to stop. It was, is, and I suspect will be mere exercises in futility.
To make a difference I have to get back to doing, even if it is just in the smallest of ways. Because a deed that is appreciated and inspires can lead on to more, bigger and maybe even better ones.
So to that very sad, angry person: thank you. But I am not above hoping that by your words I will be returned to actions that will one day come back to haunt you and what you stand for.
'A great person makes others feel small. A truly great person makes others feel great'
Words to live by. And act upon.
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
The value of that cranked eyebrow
Been a bit quiet here of late.
More than I'd like.
It's just that, on top of the day job, I have been trying to stay on top of some rather hairy bits and bobs swirling around the blogosphere regarding the science of climate change.
And it's still swirling, at least in some quarters.
Which makes a little episode I was involved in today all the more pertinent.
From this blog:
It's all up there (for now... excuse me if I have some concerns about stealth editing from on high in certain quarters) so I'll just past the last one:
Further to my last post, I have now heard again from the BBC, and as it is not fully referred to in the note above, feel the explanation is worth sharing:
We owe you an apology.
The post as originally published did indeed contain a mistake, which was
corrected on Sunday morning.
We have now published an update to the blog, which makes this clear.
The reason we confidently informed you that no amendments had been made
to the blog was that we believed only one person on duty on Sunday had
the privileges required to make changes to Justin Rowlatt's blog - and
that person made no changes the copy. We have since discovered that
there was another person on duty with the ability to change the blog,
and this person made the change referred to in the blog comments.
Apologies again for getting it wrong in our first reply to your
To which I have replied:
But I think you may owe the guy who spotted it more of one, and thanks for catching it. Which kind makes the general point I was making about a policy of flagging changes even more pertinent.
Order, for now, one trusts, is restored. But it does show the value of checking, and persistence. On top of not being above a cranked eyebrow when things do not seem to be adding up.
More than I'd like.
It's just that, on top of the day job, I have been trying to stay on top of some rather hairy bits and bobs swirling around the blogosphere regarding the science of climate change.
And it's still swirling, at least in some quarters.
Which makes a little episode I was involved in today all the more pertinent.
From this blog:
It's all up there (for now... excuse me if I have some concerns about stealth editing from on high in certain quarters) so I'll just past the last one:
Further to my last post, I have now heard again from the BBC, and as it is not fully referred to in the note above, feel the explanation is worth sharing:
We owe you an apology.
The post as originally published did indeed contain a mistake, which was
corrected on Sunday morning.
We have now published an update to the blog, which makes this clear.
The reason we confidently informed you that no amendments had been made
to the blog was that we believed only one person on duty on Sunday had
the privileges required to make changes to Justin Rowlatt's blog - and
that person made no changes the copy. We have since discovered that
there was another person on duty with the ability to change the blog,
and this person made the change referred to in the blog comments.
Apologies again for getting it wrong in our first reply to your
To which I have replied:
But I think you may owe the guy who spotted it more of one, and thanks for catching it. Which kind makes the general point I was making about a policy of flagging changes even more pertinent.
Order, for now, one trusts, is restored. But it does show the value of checking, and persistence. On top of not being above a cranked eyebrow when things do not seem to be adding up.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Take the rest of the day off
Decisons, decisions...
Needing get back on the old blog horse more.
And as it's Friday, maybe ease in with lighter fare.
Amongst my worryingly burgeoning twitter follow list is this fine fellow, who I tracked back to his blog to share:
Reusable Bag Roundup
‘Which reusable bag is your favorite ?’
Still, gotta be… the one I made…:)
And as it's Friday, maybe ease in with lighter fare.
Amongst my worryingly burgeoning twitter follow list is this fine fellow, who I tracked back to his blog to share:
Reusable Bag Roundup
‘Which reusable bag is your favorite ?’
Still, gotta be… the one I made…:)
A subject dear to my heart
In so many ways!
Waste is a potential resource, not a problem
As a passionate advocate of reward over fine, nanny, guilt, scare, etc, all of which have worked so well with the public so far, I have to concede a cautious welcome to the principle at least.
But... shopping vouchers? To go and buy yet more stuff to throw away?
As some here have raised, reduction and reuse remain ahead of recycling in the waste hierarchy, so at the very least make the incentives as pertinent as they should be tangible. Discounts on energy saving schemes or items, maybe. Points towards big ticket items that lead to further savings, such as:
Or, if legal, allow aggregation and/or transferability, for compo or as a donation. I'd be happy to allow my 'points' go to buying a match-funded boiler for a pensioner over most tax-gouging redistribution schemes in the name of green that seem to be flying about (or to Copenhagen) from many in high office and held in low esteem at the moment.
Also encourage reuse at every turn:
Better yet, encourage getting it designed-in:
All IMHO, better than an addiction to recycling which, as a last resort, is fine, if done properly:
I remain unclear on where all this box-ticking, target meeting recyclate ends up. Better than landfill to be sure, but... where?
Waste is a potential resource, not a problem
As a passionate advocate of reward over fine, nanny, guilt, scare, etc, all of which have worked so well with the public so far, I have to concede a cautious welcome to the principle at least.
But... shopping vouchers? To go and buy yet more stuff to throw away?
As some here have raised, reduction and reuse remain ahead of recycling in the waste hierarchy, so at the very least make the incentives as pertinent as they should be tangible. Discounts on energy saving schemes or items, maybe. Points towards big ticket items that lead to further savings, such as:
Or, if legal, allow aggregation and/or transferability, for compo or as a donation. I'd be happy to allow my 'points' go to buying a match-funded boiler for a pensioner over most tax-gouging redistribution schemes in the name of green that seem to be flying about (or to Copenhagen) from many in high office and held in low esteem at the moment.
Also encourage reuse at every turn:
Better yet, encourage getting it designed-in:
All IMHO, better than an addiction to recycling which, as a last resort, is fine, if done properly:
I remain unclear on where all this box-ticking, target meeting recyclate ends up. Better than landfill to be sure, but... where?
IRONY ALERT - Timing is all
Forbes - Will The World Go Shopping? - today
And tomorrow?..... Buy Nothing Day
Addendum: Buy Nothing day is only the beginning for a new counter-consumer culture
Guess this one (from top right on the page) won't be operational tomorrow:)
Addendum 2:
Brand Channel - Today's Consumer Is [Insert Adjective]
And tomorrow?..... Buy Nothing Day
Addendum: Buy Nothing day is only the beginning for a new counter-consumer culture
Guess this one (from top right on the page) won't be operational tomorrow:)
Addendum 2:
Brand Channel - Today's Consumer Is [Insert Adjective]
Reuse gaining favour again?
I have Dave of Solarventi to thank for this:
An £800,000 programme has been launched to ensure more household goods will be reused and recycled across Scotland.
Recycling agency WRAP Scotland has been given the cash from the £7.5 million INCREASE III fund to encourage community organisations to improve infrastructure for collecting and reusing furniture, white goods, carpets and other household items.
Grants can cover up to 50% of the eligible project costs and will be focused on innovative ideas that:
Work in partnership with local authorities to recover items for reuse from civic amenity sites, such as household waste and recycling centres.
Fill gaps in current service provision, either geographically or by type of household item.
Announcing the new fund, Environment Secretary Richard Lochheart said:
“Reusing furniture and household goods is a perfect example of a simple, cost-effective step that can be taken to help us reach our goal of a Zero Waste Scotland.
“This latest round of investment will specifically target areas where reuse facilities are not up to scratch, encouraging the public to reuse and recycle rather than dump their furniture and household goods which are often still in working order.”
Funding will be allocated through a single bidding round. Applications must be submitted by 8 January 2010.
For further information about the programme, visit the WRAP Scotland website (opens a new window)
Source: Scottish Government, 13/11/2009
Not certain quangos I cold mention, who have in the past done their best to ignore me, and my efforts, even to help them in theirs. But I shall persevere.
An £800,000 programme has been launched to ensure more household goods will be reused and recycled across Scotland.
Recycling agency WRAP Scotland has been given the cash from the £7.5 million INCREASE III fund to encourage community organisations to improve infrastructure for collecting and reusing furniture, white goods, carpets and other household items.
Grants can cover up to 50% of the eligible project costs and will be focused on innovative ideas that:
Work in partnership with local authorities to recover items for reuse from civic amenity sites, such as household waste and recycling centres.
Fill gaps in current service provision, either geographically or by type of household item.
Announcing the new fund, Environment Secretary Richard Lochheart said:
“Reusing furniture and household goods is a perfect example of a simple, cost-effective step that can be taken to help us reach our goal of a Zero Waste Scotland.
“This latest round of investment will specifically target areas where reuse facilities are not up to scratch, encouraging the public to reuse and recycle rather than dump their furniture and household goods which are often still in working order.”
Funding will be allocated through a single bidding round. Applications must be submitted by 8 January 2010.
For further information about the programme, visit the WRAP Scotland website (opens a new window)
Source: Scottish Government, 13/11/2009
Not certain quangos I cold mention, who have in the past done their best to ignore me, and my efforts, even to help them in theirs. But I shall persevere.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
RE:PAIR - If it rains, this reigns

A little repair to the missus' brolly I am quite proud of.
And very 'Junkk', as it saved us £15 on a new one, and cost no more than a few moments of my time.
QUOTE OF THE DAY - 'World Leaders' Say The Funniest Things
“‘The fact that I flew here to sit on a panel for one and a half hours, then I´m flying straight back to the US, is an example of our commitment to environmental sustainability,’ boasts Indra Nooyi, CEO of PepsiCo, blissfully unaware of the irony of her statement.”
Taking Care Of Business
I have been quiet...er, here, of late.
Lots of reasons.
The main one is the sheer volume of information one can get, and needs to process, can overtake the ability to actually DO anything.
But I have also been subdued by 'events'.
The sheer incompetence of our political classes still astounds even as it exceeds one's worse expectations and fears. Matched only by the superficiality at best, equal incompetence and complicity at worst, of most major media... which frankly depresses.
And then, there are the rest. From activists to big business, as typified by that quote above.
Yes, I am keen to learn all I can and DO more to make the world a better place for my kids.
But the sheer, rank, hypocrisy of those who have set themselves up, and above 'us' is proving very hard to stomach... much less try and work around (as 'with' seems only to occur to them if there is money to be made, careers to enhance or a target to be met).
I love the resource that is twitter (and upon which this will appear in the net 24 hrs), but even with only a few hundred folllowees I can no longer do justice to following and re-tweeting (on sharing) what they post.
Hence a pause is called for.
Equally here, though I see more value to the 'causes' of Junkk.com, RE:tie and, by extension 'proactive, pragmatic, enviROI+ green advocacy' to popping out the odd post to maintain a presence. Probably more around my thoughts than on specific topics, as I simply do not have the time, or support, to do each one the justice it requires.
To get to that happy stage I need to earn some money. First up to feed the family. But then, if it flows as I hope it will again, to enable me to invest in what I need to make Junkk.com, and all that surround it, all I have always hoped it can be.
Taking Care Of Business
I have been quiet...er, here, of late.
Lots of reasons.
The main one is the sheer volume of information one can get, and needs to process, can overtake the ability to actually DO anything.
But I have also been subdued by 'events'.
The sheer incompetence of our political classes still astounds even as it exceeds one's worse expectations and fears. Matched only by the superficiality at best, equal incompetence and complicity at worst, of most major media... which frankly depresses.
And then, there are the rest. From activists to big business, as typified by that quote above.
Yes, I am keen to learn all I can and DO more to make the world a better place for my kids.
But the sheer, rank, hypocrisy of those who have set themselves up, and above 'us' is proving very hard to stomach... much less try and work around (as 'with' seems only to occur to them if there is money to be made, careers to enhance or a target to be met).
I love the resource that is twitter (and upon which this will appear in the net 24 hrs), but even with only a few hundred folllowees I can no longer do justice to following and re-tweeting (on sharing) what they post.
Hence a pause is called for.
Equally here, though I see more value to the 'causes' of Junkk.com, RE:tie and, by extension 'proactive, pragmatic, enviROI+ green advocacy' to popping out the odd post to maintain a presence. Probably more around my thoughts than on specific topics, as I simply do not have the time, or support, to do each one the justice it requires.
To get to that happy stage I need to earn some money. First up to feed the family. But then, if it flows as I hope it will again, to enable me to invest in what I need to make Junkk.com, and all that surround it, all I have always hoped it can be.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Funny what arrives in the mail
For obvious reasons, I try and figure out, or collect uses for RE:tie.
Helps when folk say... 'but who would use it, and what for?'
So it's nice when things fall in your lap.
Helps when folk say... 'but who would use it, and what for?'
So it's nice when things fall in your lap.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Neee...Oh.... Daaaaaad!
A while ago a writing competition was posted.
This is my entry:
To : My sons, as you approach adulthood
My Dear Sons,
I have always told you that the most we can expect is that you do your best, for all, and in support of all the right reasons.
What I have before now neglected to add was that you must never stop doing it. Follow those two principles and while you may never get rich monetarily, at the very least you will find a sense of purpose and rewards in other ways with, if you are lucky, the bonus of a legacy to be proud of.
But you only have one life, so don’t beat yourselves up on it; live it to the full as best you can, whilst you try and DO the best you can.
Now considering the topic theme I would like… need to make an apology. Not for anything I have done (though there are many things for which I am sure I should), but I am sorry to have been part, so far, of an ongoing failure.
It is the failure of my generation, plus one at least above (and a few below) to have sensibly managed very well this precious planet that all our futures so depend upon.
At one time I could offer the reason, if not excuse, of ignorance, and even less credibly, being ‘too busy’. This can no longer be true, of me or any in a position to effect necessary changes; from voters to those in, or seeking power with their blessing. Plus all those who also are attached to and can influence the process of local, national and global governance. Media, activists, etc. You know who your are.
Where the message is so key, so many messengers, often self-appointed, have failed with the importance of getting it through. Yet still so few seem able, or willing, to look inward and cease blaming others for failing to understand, but instead to hold them…ourselves to account for being so poor at explanation and/or persuasion.
It’s not enough to believe, you need also to convince by the power and skill of argument. Turning incomprehension or the shake of a head into a nod is an art, and a very rewarding one to cultivate. Do it well and you not only create converts; you make new friends. Always a plus.
Sadly, despite my best efforts at self-education, I must confess to still remaining confused on much of what to do for the best. And I fear the human condition, and all its manifestations, today, are simply too much for one person or even ‘leaders’ to get fully to grips with global issues sensibly in any form to simply hand me the answers on a platter. I don’t think most 'know', or can 'know' either. There is a strong case for admitting ignorance, so long as you show commitment to filling that gap quickly.
All I am aware of is that there is much that seems very broken, and hence needs fixing. And that we as individuals are well equipped in this regard, with our minds and our hands, to tackle the challenges ahead.
I give my pledge therefore to do my best to help support all laudable aims based upon just causes. It is all I can do to live up to what I have tried to inspire in you. And that is to do our best to spare humanity going to waste.
I might fail, at least in my lifetime. I hope not. But at least I will know I tried. So I invite you to join me. Always follow the positive path if you can, but don’t be afraid, especially of outside and especially peer pressure, to challenge what you feel is wrong. And remember, a question is not a threat (or should not be) if it invites an answer that moves the discussion along. Stay true to your instincts, but never be too proud to find out more, or admit error… and then be quick to change. And evolve. Seek to inspire rather than suppress; you may win arguments but hearts and minds can be much more sensitive, and hence of great value to win on side. And don’t be afraid to lose, so long as it has been for the right reasons. That said, see merit, and no shame in sticking to your guns to gain victory. People love, and support winners. And we all need the support of those around us.
Most of all, whilst there can and will be valleys to balance the peaks, only do what you do if you truly enjoy it. Bitterness or frustration are poor companions on the road to success. And while I do no decry words alone (this is a letter after all), never forget the value of setting examples, especially through DOING. The result of the smallest effort in this regard can place you way ahead and above the loftiest pronouncement or claim, no matter how high the author’s perceived pedestal.
If nothing else, this notion is something, I hope of value, that I can give to you now: not just to hope, but to try as best you can to make the world a better place.
If we do, others might. And in banding together we can make anything happen. Who knows, this may even register with a few in power too, if enough of us walk the walk as well as expecting that we all talk sense, and with honesty.
Never miss the opportunity to take pause to listen... every step of the way. Broadcast-only devices make poor communicators.
Oh, and if you can get to wangle decent careers to support you families whilst doing all that, your Mum says she will be thrilled to.
With love,
Not sure I dare show it to the little sods yet, mind. Their new XBox game has just arrived.
This is my entry:
To : My sons, as you approach adulthood
My Dear Sons,
I have always told you that the most we can expect is that you do your best, for all, and in support of all the right reasons.
What I have before now neglected to add was that you must never stop doing it. Follow those two principles and while you may never get rich monetarily, at the very least you will find a sense of purpose and rewards in other ways with, if you are lucky, the bonus of a legacy to be proud of.
But you only have one life, so don’t beat yourselves up on it; live it to the full as best you can, whilst you try and DO the best you can.
Now considering the topic theme I would like… need to make an apology. Not for anything I have done (though there are many things for which I am sure I should), but I am sorry to have been part, so far, of an ongoing failure.
It is the failure of my generation, plus one at least above (and a few below) to have sensibly managed very well this precious planet that all our futures so depend upon.
At one time I could offer the reason, if not excuse, of ignorance, and even less credibly, being ‘too busy’. This can no longer be true, of me or any in a position to effect necessary changes; from voters to those in, or seeking power with their blessing. Plus all those who also are attached to and can influence the process of local, national and global governance. Media, activists, etc. You know who your are.
Where the message is so key, so many messengers, often self-appointed, have failed with the importance of getting it through. Yet still so few seem able, or willing, to look inward and cease blaming others for failing to understand, but instead to hold them…ourselves to account for being so poor at explanation and/or persuasion.
It’s not enough to believe, you need also to convince by the power and skill of argument. Turning incomprehension or the shake of a head into a nod is an art, and a very rewarding one to cultivate. Do it well and you not only create converts; you make new friends. Always a plus.
Sadly, despite my best efforts at self-education, I must confess to still remaining confused on much of what to do for the best. And I fear the human condition, and all its manifestations, today, are simply too much for one person or even ‘leaders’ to get fully to grips with global issues sensibly in any form to simply hand me the answers on a platter. I don’t think most 'know', or can 'know' either. There is a strong case for admitting ignorance, so long as you show commitment to filling that gap quickly.
All I am aware of is that there is much that seems very broken, and hence needs fixing. And that we as individuals are well equipped in this regard, with our minds and our hands, to tackle the challenges ahead.
I give my pledge therefore to do my best to help support all laudable aims based upon just causes. It is all I can do to live up to what I have tried to inspire in you. And that is to do our best to spare humanity going to waste.
I might fail, at least in my lifetime. I hope not. But at least I will know I tried. So I invite you to join me. Always follow the positive path if you can, but don’t be afraid, especially of outside and especially peer pressure, to challenge what you feel is wrong. And remember, a question is not a threat (or should not be) if it invites an answer that moves the discussion along. Stay true to your instincts, but never be too proud to find out more, or admit error… and then be quick to change. And evolve. Seek to inspire rather than suppress; you may win arguments but hearts and minds can be much more sensitive, and hence of great value to win on side. And don’t be afraid to lose, so long as it has been for the right reasons. That said, see merit, and no shame in sticking to your guns to gain victory. People love, and support winners. And we all need the support of those around us.
Most of all, whilst there can and will be valleys to balance the peaks, only do what you do if you truly enjoy it. Bitterness or frustration are poor companions on the road to success. And while I do no decry words alone (this is a letter after all), never forget the value of setting examples, especially through DOING. The result of the smallest effort in this regard can place you way ahead and above the loftiest pronouncement or claim, no matter how high the author’s perceived pedestal.
If nothing else, this notion is something, I hope of value, that I can give to you now: not just to hope, but to try as best you can to make the world a better place.
If we do, others might. And in banding together we can make anything happen. Who knows, this may even register with a few in power too, if enough of us walk the walk as well as expecting that we all talk sense, and with honesty.
Never miss the opportunity to take pause to listen... every step of the way. Broadcast-only devices make poor communicators.
Oh, and if you can get to wangle decent careers to support you families whilst doing all that, your Mum says she will be thrilled to.
With love,
Not sure I dare show it to the little sods yet, mind. Their new XBox game has just arrived.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Cry Havoc, too often, in the wrong way, and...

Storm winds batter Britain
No looking good, to be sure.
Then this arrived:
A Flood Warning has been issued for the River Wye from Hereford To Ross On Wye area. Flooding of homes and businesses is expected. Act now!
The Environment Agency advises you to act now:
- Ring Floodline on 0845 988 1188 for up to date flooding information
- Stay tuned to radio and television weather, news and travel bulletins
- Keep a watch on water levels
- Move family, pets and valuables to safety
- Help neighbours
- Use sandbags or flood boards to block doors and airbricks
- Don't drive through flood water
- Be prepared to turn off gas and electricity supplies
- Find more information at www.environment-agency.gov.uk/floodline
Above all - be careful. The Environment Agency cannot be held responsible for any accidents, injuries, or losses, financial or otherwise, which occur as a result of this email. Forecasts cannot be guaranteed.
I don't know the best answer, but this cannot be it. Yet again, the footy field next to the river ended up waterlogged.
First time I move the family. Second time we glanced out the window. Fool me once...
Now we feel they are more making sure they can say they tried to avoid criticism rather than being sensible about helping folk make decisions. Box ticking. Target meeting. I called to suggest that this was losing value rapidly by being such a blanket alert and why not be more honest on the limits of the system and parameters. I was advised to unsubscribe.
Is there a metaphor here?
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Distract and rule
And rule seems to mean licence to gouge without check or balance.
Plus a few worrying stirrings on democratic process and freedom of speech. From the top, plus some less exalted, but oddly on message sources.
As it is still relatively small, usually civilised and may get read by the powers that be, I still invest in the Newsnight blogs (some BBC ones, like Richard Black's, are now beyond parody, as are most via such as the Guardian, which is a pity as they seem to wield influence out of all proportion to their readership numbers).
My big issue, as we barrel up to Copenhagen, is not so much whether there are climatic issues happening (though pertinet), but what the enviROI of proposed impositions being rushed through actually represent. Sensible, tangible global GHG curbs are one thing; giving every lobby-funded chump with a box-ticking wheeze the keys to the exchequer for a comms budget quite another.
I have thrown my hat into the ring on a few occasions in the last 24 hrs. A sampling:
Guardian - Should climate deniers be allowed to speak on the Today programme?
The exclusion of the barking to the biased from 'the oxygen of publicity' would be interesting, especially from entities that are happy to allow even terrorists to make their case. The trick seems to be inviting the right kind of 'unbalanced' individual on just enough to show 'balance', bit still follow agenda whilst not putting the glee club offside.
BBC - The Editors: A balanced approach to climate change
From the title on it tends to go downhill
BBC - Newsnight Thursday
BBC - Ethical Man Blog
And I fear I am not alone in my concerns about the trend
Iain Dale's Diary: Climate Change Poll: Britons Are Unconvinced
There also seems to be this odd notion that it is a wing' thing. For the life of me I cannot fathom how or why. Except where it comes to relative comfort with state, and state media levels of control.
Plus a few worrying stirrings on democratic process and freedom of speech. From the top, plus some less exalted, but oddly on message sources.
As it is still relatively small, usually civilised and may get read by the powers that be, I still invest in the Newsnight blogs (some BBC ones, like Richard Black's, are now beyond parody, as are most via such as the Guardian, which is a pity as they seem to wield influence out of all proportion to their readership numbers).
My big issue, as we barrel up to Copenhagen, is not so much whether there are climatic issues happening (though pertinet), but what the enviROI of proposed impositions being rushed through actually represent. Sensible, tangible global GHG curbs are one thing; giving every lobby-funded chump with a box-ticking wheeze the keys to the exchequer for a comms budget quite another.
I have thrown my hat into the ring on a few occasions in the last 24 hrs. A sampling:
Guardian - Should climate deniers be allowed to speak on the Today programme?
The exclusion of the barking to the biased from 'the oxygen of publicity' would be interesting, especially from entities that are happy to allow even terrorists to make their case. The trick seems to be inviting the right kind of 'unbalanced' individual on just enough to show 'balance', bit still follow agenda whilst not putting the glee club offside.
BBC - The Editors: A balanced approach to climate change
From the title on it tends to go downhill
BBC - Newsnight Thursday
BBC - Ethical Man Blog
And I fear I am not alone in my concerns about the trend
Iain Dale's Diary: Climate Change Poll: Britons Are Unconvinced
There also seems to be this odd notion that it is a wing' thing. For the life of me I cannot fathom how or why. Except where it comes to relative comfort with state, and state media levels of control.
Friday, November 13, 2009
There's saving votes, and there's saving...
How scrappage is reviving the world economy
If not the world environment.
'Green' was so yesterday... and might be tomorrow. But for now....
Just popped in a wee plug for one of those odd win-win notions I happen across that just don't seem to tick the right boxes for the target bonus brigade.
Talking of such things… and (anthro) global warming (which we weren’t, but some in high places often do, as and when it suits):
If not the world environment.
'Green' was so yesterday... and might be tomorrow. But for now....
Just popped in a wee plug for one of those odd win-win notions I happen across that just don't seem to tick the right boxes for the target bonus brigade.
Talking of such things… and (anthro) global warming (which we weren’t, but some in high places often do, as and when it suits):
It applies in many ways:
The PR job
As my family is prone to saying these days: 'Profile! It's good for !@#$! profile???! We cannot eat $%^& profile!'
The PR job
As my family is prone to saying these days: 'Profile! It's good for !@#$! profile???! We cannot eat $%^& profile!'
Lock and load
Libertarian I may be, but this has 'moved' me.
Telegraph - The Dartz Prombron Monaco Red Diamond Edition armoured car sells for one million euros. It has gold plated bulletproof windows, pure tungsten exhausts, speed gauges encrusted with diamonds - and seats made from whale penis leather...
If some human pr*ck still in touch with their foreskin drives past on one of these, they'll need the armour, and need to be pretty confident I have not whipped up an RPG from Junkk.
Result: Sorry, No More Whale-Penis Leather for You - though I suspect the maxim that 'there is no such thing as bad publicity' applies on the remaining still obscene mode of transport
Telegraph - The Dartz Prombron Monaco Red Diamond Edition armoured car sells for one million euros. It has gold plated bulletproof windows, pure tungsten exhausts, speed gauges encrusted with diamonds - and seats made from whale penis leather...
If some human pr*ck still in touch with their foreskin drives past on one of these, they'll need the armour, and need to be pretty confident I have not whipped up an RPG from Junkk.
Result: Sorry, No More Whale-Penis Leather for You - though I suspect the maxim that 'there is no such thing as bad publicity' applies on the remaining still obscene mode of transport
Thursday, November 12, 2009
PR OPPORTUNITY - Making the best of it
The Telegraph has kindly published a list of:
Best Green websites
Oddly Junkk.com was not in the top 10... of green websites. For shame.
I have, however, done the next best thing... blagged!
So far... poll position.
Best Green websites
Oddly Junkk.com was not in the top 10... of green websites. For shame.
I have, however, done the next best thing... blagged!
So far... poll position.
PR OPPORTUNITY - Here come de judge
Like I always say, as he asked...
'Take a look at Mashable’s list of 75 green tweets and see how many you would really want in your Twitter window every day.'
Green web awards: upwards, onwards
I was grateful for that list, and pleased to add a few more I did not already have.
But you are right, a few really didn't seem to float my boat at all. Not to say some were not sincere or well done, but I found many that resided at the two extremes that frustrate me most (other than the two at each end of (A)GW), either preaching to a very faithful hairshirt flock in such a way as to repel 'liter' greens still keen to find out and change, to high-end fashionistas way above my pay grade. I am more Fiesta Family on a Friday Tesco run for the whole week rather than Prius Person using the wicker basket bike to get organic veg for a dinner do at the weekend Devon retreat.
Personally (and flying a wee selfish, self-promo flag here), I think (and hope) the future is in the hands of those who seek to inspire rather than hector, reward rather than punish and educate/entertain rather than strike fear or promote guilt.
It's a great world. We should enjoy every moment of making it even better, even when we are rolling up our sleeves to help support it while in need.
Thinking back, I believe I entered Junkk.com. Hope this little effort hasn't scr*wed our chances
'Take a look at Mashable’s list of 75 green tweets and see how many you would really want in your Twitter window every day.'
Green web awards: upwards, onwards
I was grateful for that list, and pleased to add a few more I did not already have.
But you are right, a few really didn't seem to float my boat at all. Not to say some were not sincere or well done, but I found many that resided at the two extremes that frustrate me most (other than the two at each end of (A)GW), either preaching to a very faithful hairshirt flock in such a way as to repel 'liter' greens still keen to find out and change, to high-end fashionistas way above my pay grade. I am more Fiesta Family on a Friday Tesco run for the whole week rather than Prius Person using the wicker basket bike to get organic veg for a dinner do at the weekend Devon retreat.
Personally (and flying a wee selfish, self-promo flag here), I think (and hope) the future is in the hands of those who seek to inspire rather than hector, reward rather than punish and educate/entertain rather than strike fear or promote guilt.
It's a great world. We should enjoy every moment of making it even better, even when we are rolling up our sleeves to help support it while in need.
Thinking back, I believe I entered Junkk.com. Hope this little effort hasn't scr*wed our chances
Not a lot, little 'Ern, not a lot
A wee while ago I raised the notion of 'Survival of the Selfish'
This is a worthy evolutionary addition to that:
What use is evolution to environmentalists?
The question of course depends on what aspect of environmentalism one is referring to, but outside of nature's self (as far is she is able without man's malign influence)-regulation, if it's to do with the bigger picture of (A)GW and various global hoo-haas/negotiations I fear that is a boat long since sailed.
There is a certain irony that, to read the full text, you have to pay. That is life, if not one Nature had factored in, perhaps.
This is a worthy evolutionary addition to that:
What use is evolution to environmentalists?
The question of course depends on what aspect of environmentalism one is referring to, but outside of nature's self (as far is she is able without man's malign influence)-regulation, if it's to do with the bigger picture of (A)GW and various global hoo-haas/negotiations I fear that is a boat long since sailed.
There is a certain irony that, to read the full text, you have to pay. That is life, if not one Nature had factored in, perhaps.
The TOL Bar - e-will
Still grappling with an unhealthy addiction to twitter.
It's just that it... is... so... darn... useful for new info, usually linked.
Soooo hard to resist.
And, often, soooo hard not to either RT or draft a reply, which with a total of 140 characters (inc. original) can be a challenge; one that takes time.
But I know it is detracting from here.
The solution, I think is a compromise (for now): I'll keep up with both, but cut down on the rehashing (#re - that is more apt than you think) as frankly a lot of folk just shunt the same info or opinion around endlessly, and try and focus on adding value.
I cannot claim to get hold of much original 'news', so this means, mainly, data and/or ideas.
As here, in the latest 'Thinking Out Loud" label post.
It has been inspired by this:
What happens to email after you die
Inspired but, ironically, little actually to do with its main premise, more on personal privacy.
I'm thinking the 'cost' of online existence.
Already, I daily 'enjoy' gigabytes of stuff flowing in, much of which I don't even look at at all much less skip. I tend to keep 'em all 'cos I'm hoarder by nature, but also the 'missing the nugget in the tailings' fear. I should cancel many... most, but don't. Just in case. And, heck, they might appreciate the numbers on the ratings board.
But what about when I pop off or, as seems more likely, one day suffer info overload rage and decide to really get back to my shed and hope a passing airship full of VCs and journalists passes over head and sees my latest creation?
Plugs may well get pulled, but I doubt that much will happen to the outpouring, though the size of in-box caches may well eventually lead to a blockage. Maybe even a 'full' sign that properly washed mailings will pick up on and self-cancel.
But for the rest...?
Maybe the creation of some kind of e-will of things to cancel might leave a legacy that helps the planet as well, if in a small way? It might need some effort to set up and carry out, plus the scary notion of post-mortem access to passwords, but I wonder if it may be worth it?
It's just that it... is... so... darn... useful for new info, usually linked.
Soooo hard to resist.
And, often, soooo hard not to either RT or draft a reply, which with a total of 140 characters (inc. original) can be a challenge; one that takes time.
But I know it is detracting from here.
The solution, I think is a compromise (for now): I'll keep up with both, but cut down on the rehashing (#re - that is more apt than you think) as frankly a lot of folk just shunt the same info or opinion around endlessly, and try and focus on adding value.
I cannot claim to get hold of much original 'news', so this means, mainly, data and/or ideas.
As here, in the latest 'Thinking Out Loud" label post.
It has been inspired by this:
What happens to email after you die
Inspired but, ironically, little actually to do with its main premise, more on personal privacy.
I'm thinking the 'cost' of online existence.
Already, I daily 'enjoy' gigabytes of stuff flowing in, much of which I don't even look at at all much less skip. I tend to keep 'em all 'cos I'm hoarder by nature, but also the 'missing the nugget in the tailings' fear. I should cancel many... most, but don't. Just in case. And, heck, they might appreciate the numbers on the ratings board.
But what about when I pop off or, as seems more likely, one day suffer info overload rage and decide to really get back to my shed and hope a passing airship full of VCs and journalists passes over head and sees my latest creation?
Plugs may well get pulled, but I doubt that much will happen to the outpouring, though the size of in-box caches may well eventually lead to a blockage. Maybe even a 'full' sign that properly washed mailings will pick up on and self-cancel.
But for the rest...?
Maybe the creation of some kind of e-will of things to cancel might leave a legacy that helps the planet as well, if in a small way? It might need some effort to set up and carry out, plus the scary notion of post-mortem access to passwords, but I wonder if it may be worth it?
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
A site for sore eyes, ears...
Every so often a site comes along that I just like.
This is one such: unclutterer.com
For no better reason than that, I am happy to share:)
This is one such: unclutterer.com
For no better reason than that, I am happy to share:)
Climate of confusion
Newsnight is one of the more significant news/current affairs programmes we have in this country.
That's not saying a lot.
I watched this, and the protagonists selected, with my jaw on the ground.
How much has changed?
Just watched the chat... 'legally-binding' came up a lot. Lot of eggs in the kitchen?
I just hope that, whatever does get discussed, agreed, and bound up, most people will move beyond the fact that a treaty has been established to what it's actually committing folk to and with what in mind.
With the current level of global boxtickocracy and short-term legacy jockeying, I'll be fascinated whether emissions actually get reduced, or just shunted around a lot more as various interested parties take their cut.
Monday 9 November 2009
Just now watched Mr. Rowlatt's kitchen cabinet meeting.
If this is the calibre of political heft and serious journalism surrounding this huge, complex, vital issue that we may expect... oh.
I do indeed now expect that President 'only if it's going to look good' O will swing by to bestow blessings on a bit of a thing... and no one present, observing or hoping to be adequately informed will end up having the slightest clue who has committed to what and whether it will make a blind bit of difference - save to boost business and first class seat uptake, convention hotel and 5 star restaurant bookings, and a few folks' golf handicaps. These things always seem to happen, a lot, in nice places.
Meanwhile populations will grow, economies will need to expand, forests will be felled, green fields will turn first brown and then get concreted over, affordably, runways will be added, nukes will get commissioned... and a BBC 'science' moppet will point at the business end of a Tesla as others will Copenhagen and declaim 'Look... it's not emitting, and meeting all sorts of lovely bonus-driving, fine-avoiding, lobby-pleasing targets'. So long as such things make sense environmentally and practically in complement with other socio-economic parameters, fine. If not, its just a silly game, with the only winners being those on the pitch and a few in the sponsors' and media boxes, with the rest paying.
However, it is not enough to observe and/or critique, so when the opportunity presents I will grab it:
Update on your questions for Ed Miliband
What will be the outcome to total global emissions of a 'successful' outcome?
Then... where from? Up or down? Country by country, industry by industry. Plus cost impositions... or gains, as a consequence.
And of these what % will be tangible, practical, genuine enviROI+ reductions, and what % redistribution or redesignation?
How, with expanding populations encroaching or dependent on ever more territory and resources can the growing economy mantra from all governments to support these be satisfied without further increases in consumption and hence pollution vs. in the situation suggested, held and reduced?
There is no such thing as a free lunch. What, honestly, is going to have to give? In terms a worker in a factory making stuff to sell and be consumed can relate to job wise, to the lifestyle-centric mind of a student with an eye on the latest iPhone or LCD TV from John Lewis (non-list) can relate to. For good or ill.
In committing all efforts and funds to avoiding/mitigating the potential consequences of (A)GW, has any thought been given to the possibility that it is (now/already, as claimed by some in high office) unavoidable (whatever the cause) and contingencies made to support best practice coping mechanisms?
Or are all bets on 'man' being the sole cause, and hence all efforts by our race should be committed to reversing our impacts?
In case this proves incorrect, and/or the efforts made prove ineffective/insufficient, what will be the consequences to this country?
I am hoping he might answer some, and the key ones, and not waffle. Or choose a distracting line.
I have tried to be careful to avoid any hint that my concern is on whether PMWNCC is happening as per any 'line' or fact to prevent the inevitable extreme artillery barrages. My interest is in what he and his merry crew have actually considered or, and equally important, not considered around the consequences of a 'warming' planet.
I just had a mate call me up in a rage. He took the now redundant RE:boxes to the bring site as his new green wheelie has arrived to improve things. They wouldn't take it and suggested he pop over the road and pop it in the landfill skip. Somewhere a box is binned and another is ticked or a target in one area is met that is not counted against one lost in another. And a planet weeps another tear.
But I will never stop trying to find tangible, practical, enviROI+ solutions wherever and whenever I can. Always have (wow, was it 5 years ago? And those boxes had years left in them yet). Always will. If I am able.
That's not saying a lot.
I watched this, and the protagonists selected, with my jaw on the ground.
How much has changed?
Just watched the chat... 'legally-binding' came up a lot. Lot of eggs in the kitchen?
I just hope that, whatever does get discussed, agreed, and bound up, most people will move beyond the fact that a treaty has been established to what it's actually committing folk to and with what in mind.
With the current level of global boxtickocracy and short-term legacy jockeying, I'll be fascinated whether emissions actually get reduced, or just shunted around a lot more as various interested parties take their cut.
Monday 9 November 2009
Just now watched Mr. Rowlatt's kitchen cabinet meeting.
If this is the calibre of political heft and serious journalism surrounding this huge, complex, vital issue that we may expect... oh.
I do indeed now expect that President 'only if it's going to look good' O will swing by to bestow blessings on a bit of a thing... and no one present, observing or hoping to be adequately informed will end up having the slightest clue who has committed to what and whether it will make a blind bit of difference - save to boost business and first class seat uptake, convention hotel and 5 star restaurant bookings, and a few folks' golf handicaps. These things always seem to happen, a lot, in nice places.
Meanwhile populations will grow, economies will need to expand, forests will be felled, green fields will turn first brown and then get concreted over, affordably, runways will be added, nukes will get commissioned... and a BBC 'science' moppet will point at the business end of a Tesla as others will Copenhagen and declaim 'Look... it's not emitting, and meeting all sorts of lovely bonus-driving, fine-avoiding, lobby-pleasing targets'. So long as such things make sense environmentally and practically in complement with other socio-economic parameters, fine. If not, its just a silly game, with the only winners being those on the pitch and a few in the sponsors' and media boxes, with the rest paying.
However, it is not enough to observe and/or critique, so when the opportunity presents I will grab it:
Update on your questions for Ed Miliband
What will be the outcome to total global emissions of a 'successful' outcome?
Then... where from? Up or down? Country by country, industry by industry. Plus cost impositions... or gains, as a consequence.
And of these what % will be tangible, practical, genuine enviROI+ reductions, and what % redistribution or redesignation?
How, with expanding populations encroaching or dependent on ever more territory and resources can the growing economy mantra from all governments to support these be satisfied without further increases in consumption and hence pollution vs. in the situation suggested, held and reduced?
There is no such thing as a free lunch. What, honestly, is going to have to give? In terms a worker in a factory making stuff to sell and be consumed can relate to job wise, to the lifestyle-centric mind of a student with an eye on the latest iPhone or LCD TV from John Lewis (non-list) can relate to. For good or ill.
In committing all efforts and funds to avoiding/mitigating the potential consequences of (A)GW, has any thought been given to the possibility that it is (now/already, as claimed by some in high office) unavoidable (whatever the cause) and contingencies made to support best practice coping mechanisms?
Or are all bets on 'man' being the sole cause, and hence all efforts by our race should be committed to reversing our impacts?
In case this proves incorrect, and/or the efforts made prove ineffective/insufficient, what will be the consequences to this country?
I am hoping he might answer some, and the key ones, and not waffle. Or choose a distracting line.
I have tried to be careful to avoid any hint that my concern is on whether PMWNCC is happening as per any 'line' or fact to prevent the inevitable extreme artillery barrages. My interest is in what he and his merry crew have actually considered or, and equally important, not considered around the consequences of a 'warming' planet.
I just had a mate call me up in a rage. He took the now redundant RE:boxes to the bring site as his new green wheelie has arrived to improve things. They wouldn't take it and suggested he pop over the road and pop it in the landfill skip. Somewhere a box is binned and another is ticked or a target in one area is met that is not counted against one lost in another. And a planet weeps another tear.
But I will never stop trying to find tangible, practical, enviROI+ solutions wherever and whenever I can. Always have (wow, was it 5 years ago? And those boxes had years left in them yet). Always will. If I am able.
Monday, November 09, 2009
RE:PAIR - Want tips with that?
Top 10 Clever Fixes for Your Broken Stuff
And if you ever need a place to go to find stuff to fix things with....
And if you ever need a place to go to find stuff to fix things with....
Sunday, November 08, 2009
The SADIM Touch
You'll need to think about it a tad (hint, in every direction)
Just seems some have it, and the rest of us are cursed that they do.
Inspired by some noting a certain person did not wish 'bon voyage' to the UK World Heavyweight boxing (now) champ.
Just seems some have it, and the rest of us are cursed that they do.
Inspired by some noting a certain person did not wish 'bon voyage' to the UK World Heavyweight boxing (now) champ.
Friday, November 06, 2009
We need more good news today
Freiburg lights way to energy savings
We don't say: 'Reduce your mobility.' What we try to do is create better alternatives," explained Dieter Wörner, the city's environment chief.
We don't say: 'Reduce your mobility.' What we try to do is create better alternatives," explained Dieter Wörner, the city's environment chief.
I engaged in a wee mission a while ago in complement. To try and get a better structure across the topic from now on:
Sink your waste
Comparison of Carbon Footprint - bear in mind this is from the site of a company that advocates putting stuff in it's products.
Recycling & Waste World - WRAP’s food waste report comes under fire - I do believe Junkkly eyebrow was cokced a while ago in this regard. Mind you, I also had an issue with some aspects of their critic's products (which also apply to any composter), namely the caution on inhaling fungal spores.
Indy - Waste watchers: Save cash and the environment
Times - NEW - Shanks builds first anaerobic digestion plant to harness potato peel power
Sink your waste
Comparison of Carbon Footprint - bear in mind this is from the site of a company that advocates putting stuff in it's products.
Recycling & Waste World - WRAP’s food waste report comes under fire - I do believe Junkkly eyebrow was cokced a while ago in this regard. Mind you, I also had an issue with some aspects of their critic's products (which also apply to any composter), namely the caution on inhaling fungal spores.
Indy - Waste watchers: Save cash and the environment
Times - NEW - Shanks builds first anaerobic digestion plant to harness potato peel power
GREEN TIP - Make your tumble dryer more energy efficient
From espares
'Course, not having one at all can be even better.
We are managing using a combo of dryer stands in the sun in the spare room and a new 'zone' created over the emmersion heater.
'Course, not having one at all can be even better.
We are managing using a combo of dryer stands in the sun in the spare room and a new 'zone' created over the emmersion heater.
A good share is a joy forvever...
'Thought this might appeal to you'
It did, has and thank you Solarventi:
- a museum constructed out of, and using exhibits of, recycled/reused materials.
See http://www.citymuseum.org/about.html
Having to use a 'related' Label 'til I can figure out how to purge or exceed the Blogger 2k (a lot of labels!) limit
It did, has and thank you Solarventi:
- a museum constructed out of, and using exhibits of, recycled/reused materials.
See http://www.citymuseum.org/about.html
Having to use a 'related' Label 'til I can figure out how to purge or exceed the Blogger 2k (a lot of labels!) limit
Thursday, November 05, 2009
RE:trograde steps




Been a bit distracted of late. Sorry.
Mainly on a major competition entry, though after the last few I am not sure why I bother; where green judges heads are seem seldom the same planet I am operating to save.
The intense nature of this has meant my only 'blog breaks' have been scattered and short, so I have vented more on the twitter page. Worth staying abreast.
However, here I return, and not with good news... at least of others.
When you beaver about town on foot or bike you notice a lot more, and can stop more easily.
And so I have come to mourn the passing of some iconic re:initiatives this week.
First up Spokes, who old me the very bike I use now. A great idea for both planet and local employment.
Then RE:Box, to whom I contributed name and design. Sadly no more.
But there are glimmers of green shoots. 'The Can Do Crew!' is a force to be reckoned with, and rethreads are out and about and collecting textiles still, which new systems can or will not.
Both proudly using the names I coined and logos I created for them.
For a looooong time more, I do hope.
Monday, November 02, 2009
AWARD - Green Web Awards
WHEN: Now, until, er, later
WHAT: Green Web Awards
WHAT... MORE?: From the blurb: annual awards for the best green websites, social media and digital activity, run by Nigel’s Eco Store .
In 2008 they asked some of the web’s leading environmental bloggers and social media users [not asked for some reason, guess I'm not 'leading'...yet;)]to name their favourite green sites in twelve categories. We wanted to celebrate the best and worst of the green web.
This year, following some great feedback on our blog, they’ve decided to make the awards a tad more democratic. [Must check out that great feedback that resulted in such a welcome enhancement]
URL: http://www.nigelsecostore.com/green-web-awards/
COMMENTS: Modesty prevents and all that.... but if a kind person or two would feel so disposed to put in a good word. I note we still have leading green judges from many previous awards of note, so this blog has a hope in hell, but the Junkk.com site deserves to get a fair crack
WHEN: Now, until, er, later
WHAT: Green Web Awards
WHAT... MORE?: From the blurb: annual awards for the best green websites, social media and digital activity, run by Nigel’s Eco Store .
In 2008 they asked some of the web’s leading environmental bloggers and social media users [not asked for some reason, guess I'm not 'leading'...yet;)]to name their favourite green sites in twelve categories. We wanted to celebrate the best and worst of the green web.
This year, following some great feedback on our blog, they’ve decided to make the awards a tad more democratic. [Must check out that great feedback that resulted in such a welcome enhancement]
URL: http://www.nigelsecostore.com/green-web-awards/
COMMENTS: Modesty prevents and all that.... but if a kind person or two would feel so disposed to put in a good word. I note we still have leading green judges from many previous awards of note, so this blog has a hope in hell, but the Junkk.com site deserves to get a fair crack
Friday, October 30, 2009
A new one that looks to be topical. As always, share and share alike.
The Register - Brown gov will make 'big commitment' to carbon capture - Big as in small - Nowt like backing a winner!
Greenbang - Carbon capture as much use a chocolate teapot: Greenpeace - Bless
Guardian - Can technology save the climate?
Indy - UK's climate change plans incoherent, says scientist - Oi, Gordon, I think a tabloid has another plastic bag opp for you to devote your energies to.
Greenbang - Think tank gives roadmap for carbon capture in the UK - So the technology is sound...phew. It's just how it gets specified, used, subsidised, traded and all round abused by the cabal of dodgy pols and venal corporates after a quick target-tick and/or short-term £reebie that are the problem.
So I can see all that changing right away. Not.
Gizmag - Carbon Capture: a bridging technology too far?
Guardian - Wicks: All is lost on global warming without clean coal - Feeling secure, are we?
Times - How carbon capture and storage (CCS) could make coal the fuel of the future - Ah, 'could' it?
Greenbang - Is carbon storage really all good? -
FT - EU split on carbon capture intensifies
Guardian - Live Q&A: George Monbiot on clean coal - While I might query the 'leading green commentator' bit, it's a debate, and may be worth following.
FT - The carbon-capture challenge
FT - NEW - Carbon capture and storage in very, very expensive shock
The Register - Brown gov will make 'big commitment' to carbon capture - Big as in small - Nowt like backing a winner!
Greenbang - Carbon capture as much use a chocolate teapot: Greenpeace - Bless
Guardian - Can technology save the climate?
Indy - UK's climate change plans incoherent, says scientist - Oi, Gordon, I think a tabloid has another plastic bag opp for you to devote your energies to.
Greenbang - Think tank gives roadmap for carbon capture in the UK - So the technology is sound...phew. It's just how it gets specified, used, subsidised, traded and all round abused by the cabal of dodgy pols and venal corporates after a quick target-tick and/or short-term £reebie that are the problem.
So I can see all that changing right away. Not.
Gizmag - Carbon Capture: a bridging technology too far?
Guardian - Wicks: All is lost on global warming without clean coal - Feeling secure, are we?
Times - How carbon capture and storage (CCS) could make coal the fuel of the future - Ah, 'could' it?
Greenbang - Is carbon storage really all good? -
FT - EU split on carbon capture intensifies
Guardian - Live Q&A: George Monbiot on clean coal - While I might query the 'leading green commentator' bit, it's a debate, and may be worth following.
FT - The carbon-capture challenge
FT - NEW - Carbon capture and storage in very, very expensive shock
A new day, a new website
I'll share it, despite it still seeming to think Freecycle is the only swap site in town and Direct.gov knowing all about (and kindly promoting if not in the best section) reuse and Junkk.com's role for years. Lord knows how much will be ploughed into 'promoting' this one.
Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs - E&EO
We are all being urged to rethink our approach to waste, in a new campaign launched by Defra (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) today.
The new campaign, part of the Government’s Act On CO2 campaign, looks at everything from food waste to furniture recycling and encourages consumers to ‘Remember. Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.’
A new website offering tips and advice to consumers on making better use of the things we all too often put straight in the bin or take to the dump, also launches today at www.direct.gov.uk/waste.
Research published recently by Defra showed that an additional 500,000 tonnes of household waste could be saved from landfill by doing more to reuse it or find another home for it. And if every household in the EU recycled one electrical or electronic item such as a mobile phone or iPod, 73,000 tonnes could be diverted from landfill – the same as 9,500 round the world flights.
Environment Secretary Hilary Benn said:
“I set out recently what the Government will do to help the country on its path to becoming a zero waste nation. Making better use of everything around us will really help us to tackle the impact our waste has on climate change, and save us money too. That’s why our campaign is encouraging everyone to rethink what they might think of as ‘waste’ and ‘recycling’ – we can all do things like put our old sofa on Freecycle rather than taking it to the dump, or recycle our old mobile if we get a new one.”
I'll share it, despite it still seeming to think Freecycle is the only swap site in town and Direct.gov knowing all about (and kindly promoting if not in the best section) reuse and Junkk.com's role for years. Lord knows how much will be ploughed into 'promoting' this one.
Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs - E&EO
We are all being urged to rethink our approach to waste, in a new campaign launched by Defra (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) today.
The new campaign, part of the Government’s Act On CO2 campaign, looks at everything from food waste to furniture recycling and encourages consumers to ‘Remember. Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.’
A new website offering tips and advice to consumers on making better use of the things we all too often put straight in the bin or take to the dump, also launches today at www.direct.gov.uk/waste.
Research published recently by Defra showed that an additional 500,000 tonnes of household waste could be saved from landfill by doing more to reuse it or find another home for it. And if every household in the EU recycled one electrical or electronic item such as a mobile phone or iPod, 73,000 tonnes could be diverted from landfill – the same as 9,500 round the world flights.
Environment Secretary Hilary Benn said:
“I set out recently what the Government will do to help the country on its path to becoming a zero waste nation. Making better use of everything around us will really help us to tackle the impact our waste has on climate change, and save us money too. That’s why our campaign is encouraging everyone to rethink what they might think of as ‘waste’ and ‘recycling’ – we can all do things like put our old sofa on Freecycle rather than taking it to the dump, or recycle our old mobile if we get a new one.”
Thursday, October 29, 2009
\:( - RIP?
Waste industry speaks out about WRAP 'super body' plans - UPDATE 2 this
On the one hand I have been an advocate of amortisation to reduce the rampant waste through overlapping quangos. So... cautious welcome.
One the other... the lead is....WRAP???????
And what is it about 'superbodies' that gets my eyebrow cranking (new icon in headline) big time?
These are the guys that demanded my business plan, told us 'reuse was not of interest', and then copied a ton of stuff we had done, were doing, are doing and will do using no public money on driving 'not for profit' board member bonusses up in pretty darn near conflict of interest ways via box-ticking, target-meeting 'awareness' campaigns.
The outfit that figured giving huge amounts to vastly-profitable international companies to help them make more money on their packaging was a good deal.
Enough on the various interest groups surrounding this huge industry speaking out; what about the public and consumers being required to plough millions into all this with near zero say or representation?
On the one hand I have been an advocate of amortisation to reduce the rampant waste through overlapping quangos. So... cautious welcome.
One the other... the lead is....WRAP???????
And what is it about 'superbodies' that gets my eyebrow cranking (new icon in headline) big time?
These are the guys that demanded my business plan, told us 'reuse was not of interest', and then copied a ton of stuff we had done, were doing, are doing and will do using no public money on driving 'not for profit' board member bonusses up in pretty darn near conflict of interest ways via box-ticking, target-meeting 'awareness' campaigns.
The outfit that figured giving huge amounts to vastly-profitable international companies to help them make more money on their packaging was a good deal.
Enough on the various interest groups surrounding this huge industry speaking out; what about the public and consumers being required to plough millions into all this with near zero say or representation?
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